* To download a copy of the Outstanding Boholanos of USA and Canada 2017 (YOUTH) nomination form click HERE or https://goo.gl/erMjnF
The purpose of the Outstanding Boholano Youths of USA and Canada Awards is to promote a positive image of young people and to generate awareness of the valuable contributions that they make in the community as well as to recognize their outstanding personal academic achievements.
Rules and Regulations
1. The nominee must be nominated by a Boholano Organization affiliated with or in the process of affiliating with the CONBUSAC and shall be made by submitting the Nominee’s Biographical Data Form , together with the nominee’s essay and a recent half body photograph.
2. The nominee must be of Boholano ancestry and is not more than 27 years old at the time of his/her nomination.
3. The nominee’s qualifying project, deed or action, or outstanding achievement were conducted or achieved within the last four years prior to the date of nomination.
4. The nominee must be present during the awards night on July 7. 2017 at The Chelsea Hotel, 33 Gerard St. West in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Criteria For Judging
The nominee is someone who has demonstrated leadership through community service or other outstanding accomplishments in academics, arts and culture, environment, sports, social action or other personal triumph and exemplary achievements in business, entrepreneurship, political, legal, governmental affairs, children’s welfare, world peace, human rights, humanitarian or voluntary leadership , scientific or technological development and personal improvement .
The nominee demonstrates the potential to become a leader in his/her future career in civic and community affairs.
The nominee exhibits strength of character, maturity, integrity, and worthy of emulation and inspiration from other youths.
The Outstanding Boholano Youths of USA and Canada Awards Committee is composed of the following:
Chairperson : Arcilen Espinosa-Tejano
Members : Rhine Pamaong
Lorenzo Galang
Regional Vice Presidents of CONBUSAC
The completed Nominee’s Biographical Data Form duly endorsed by the nominating organization or by the President of CONBUSAC together with other documents which may be required must be mailed to Rhine Pamaong, 39 Sedgeway Heights, Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada L4H 3A9 or emailed to [email protected]. This must be received on or before May 7, 2017. The committee as part of its deliberation may call and talk to nominees for more information and/or clarification.
The purpose of the Outstanding Boholano Youths of USA and Canada Awards is to promote a positive image of young people and to generate awareness of the valuable contributions that they make in the community as well as to recognize their outstanding personal academic achievements.
Rules and Regulations
1. The nominee must be nominated by a Boholano Organization affiliated with or in the process of affiliating with the CONBUSAC and shall be made by submitting the Nominee’s Biographical Data Form , together with the nominee’s essay and a recent half body photograph.
2. The nominee must be of Boholano ancestry and is not more than 27 years old at the time of his/her nomination.
3. The nominee’s qualifying project, deed or action, or outstanding achievement were conducted or achieved within the last four years prior to the date of nomination.
4. The nominee must be present during the awards night on July 7. 2017 at The Chelsea Hotel, 33 Gerard St. West in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Criteria For Judging
The nominee is someone who has demonstrated leadership through community service or other outstanding accomplishments in academics, arts and culture, environment, sports, social action or other personal triumph and exemplary achievements in business, entrepreneurship, political, legal, governmental affairs, children’s welfare, world peace, human rights, humanitarian or voluntary leadership , scientific or technological development and personal improvement .
The nominee demonstrates the potential to become a leader in his/her future career in civic and community affairs.
The nominee exhibits strength of character, maturity, integrity, and worthy of emulation and inspiration from other youths.
The Outstanding Boholano Youths of USA and Canada Awards Committee is composed of the following:
Chairperson : Arcilen Espinosa-Tejano
Members : Rhine Pamaong
Lorenzo Galang
Regional Vice Presidents of CONBUSAC
The completed Nominee’s Biographical Data Form duly endorsed by the nominating organization or by the President of CONBUSAC together with other documents which may be required must be mailed to Rhine Pamaong, 39 Sedgeway Heights, Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada L4H 3A9 or emailed to [email protected]. This must be received on or before May 7, 2017. The committee as part of its deliberation may call and talk to nominees for more information and/or clarification.
* To download a copy of the above guidelines click HERE or https://goo.gl/EnX4nu